Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Manage Multiple Chrome Profiles on Windows: How to

Ever have the problem of managing multiple Gmail accounts? Logging out and back in to another account to tedious for you? There is a solution for you, using Chrome to manage different Google accounts.

In Google Chrome you can switch between multiple user accounts, Chrome calls these accounts "People." Each Person is indicated by a different Google Login.

In my case, I ran into this problem when I started using Google for personal and business. I found that when I listened to my library of music on Google Play, then logged into another google account on another Tab on Chrome, My instance of Google Play stopped. This because Chrome switched my Google Play login from my personal to the new google account. I soon found out about using different user account but also discovered a couple of other cool things.

Switching between different Google Accounts in one window of Chrome is difficult, logging in and out is not the way to change accounts. Chrome solves this by having you have more than one window or instance of Chrome open. This way each window uses a different Google account. When switching from one Person to another Chrome automatically open a new window.

Use Chrome to manage multiple User Accounts, Plus cool tricks for using "People."

What you will need:

-Two or more Google Accounts.
-Google Chrome on your Computer.

Add an account to Chrome by first opening Chrome and selecting at the top right of the window, "User Name" or just "User". For me this shows my first name "Eric", because I am already signed into Chrome. Select  "Add person" or "Manage People" to add a new Google Account.

This is how you can add existing Google accounts. for me this is what I have done on my home computer with my work accounts to keep things separate. Mostly so I don't have to constantly log in and out of Google and other websites.

That's the start. Now whenever you want to switch users you can simple select your "User Name" at the top right and select which user you want to use. When you select a different user Chrome will open a new instance/window for that user. You cant drag tabs between each instance, but there are some other cool things you can do.

Pin the instance of Chrome to your windows task bar:

This is how I have been able to get my widows task bar to have links to my different Google Accounts. It looks like this, I have 4 user accounts I use for different things. 

When Signing in for the first time, or when you add a new Person, there are a few Options for you when you go through the menus of creation.

You will be able to customize the name of the User, This does not have to be associated with the Gmail directly. (for my personal I just have my first name). You can also select an Avatar. (See more about this in Avatar creation).

Make sure you have the "Create a desktop shortcut for this user" selected.

If you already have an account signed in to Chrome you can access this same menu by accessing your Person at the top right and clicking it, This will take you to the setting and open this same dialogue menu. Click to add a desktop shortcut.

Once you have a desktop shortcut you will be able to access your account from your desktop by clicking the shortcut. Get the shortcut on your task bar on widows by dragging it onto the task bar. Now you are on your way to making you Goggle and Chrome life more efficient.

Have your favorite sites launch when you start up chrome:

This is useful when you need certain site tabs open for work. I tend to use the same sites for certain tasks. For example blogging and social media engagement, listening to music or watching videos on YouTube, Communicating with my teams by email or other social chat. Its useful to have Chrome auto open the sites I need in different tabs for different jobs.

Access the Setting Menu by clicking the 3 vertical dots on Chrome in the upper right corner. Select Setting.

There are a few different things you can do here in the setting menu. I suggest playing around with these to find out how you want them to work.

There is a section called "On startup." On startup means that when you open Chrome for the first time, you can have one of the 3 options occur. By selecting "Open a Separate Page or Set of pages" you can then select which pages you want to have open when you launch this User on Chrome. The best way to select these is to open all the pages you want to open, make sure they are in the tab order you want them to open and then click on "Use current pages". By clicking this it will not select the Setting Page as one of your "on startup tabs"

Now whenever you open your Chrome, your pages will auto open to where you want them.

Note On using People

For each Person you will have to set up each one with their own bookmarks, Chrome extensions or themes. Also each will remember different user names and passwords for your sites, which is useful for using different social medias and other logins.

I hope this helps make your Chrome and Google experience better like it has mine. I've been able to keep things more organized and easier to use.

Eric Higgins
Home Of Sheepish